What is LISPmob?
LISPmob is an open-source LISP-Mobile Node implementation for Linux. With LISPmob, hosts can change its network attachment point without losing connectivity, while maintaining the same IP address.
What is LISP?
The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is being developed within the IETF as a potential solution to the routing scalability problem documented in RFC 4984. It uses the concept of Endpoint IDentifiers (EIDs) to name hosts in edge networks, and Routing LOCators (RLOCs) for nodes in transit networks. EIDs and RLOCs are syntactically indistinguishable from current IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, enabling backwards compatibility with the existing Internet architecture. A distributed database, the mapping system, is responsible for maintaining the associations between EIDs and RLOCs.
LISP is an IETF initiative for a more scalable Internet, with a broad support and a pilot network (link pilot network). Among the many layer-3 mobility solutions:
LISP-MN effectively decouples identify from location by using two different IP address that belong two different namespaces.
LISP decouples, through the mapping system, control from data-plane, and allows that both can evolve independently, using different approaches to scale.
It is a fully integrated solution that does not require extensions for network mobility, IPv6 support or NAT-traversal.
Who is behind LISPmob?
LISPmob was initially developed by Cisco Systems Inc, and it is currently maintained by the Barcelona Tech University. LISPmob is actively seeking for an active community of volunteers to support it and to expand its features. The rules governing our community can be found in here.
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